Store in a cool, dark place & they will be good for at least twelve months. Freshly hatched brine shrimp are the ideal first food for most newly hatched fish fry due to the fact that their movement attracts the fish. The critical time for fish fry is the first couple of days after hatching. Newly hatched brine shrimp if fed to the fry soon after hatching still have their egg sack attached & this is the finest fry food available.
PLEASE ENSURE THAT ON RECEIPT YOU ENSURE THAT THEY ARE KEPT COOL AT ALL TIMES, PREFERABLY REFRIGERATED. If you follow the instructions, you will not be disappointed. As a fish keeper, I myself use these eggs, so I know they will hatch. Obviously if you have a lot of fry, hatch out more eggs at a time? They only take 30-36 hours to hatch if kept warm. When feeding to fry, they need to be consumed fairly quickly, before the shrimp absorb their egg sack. After 24 hours their nutritional value decreases. ENSURE ALL EQUIPMENT IS CLEAN BEFORE USE. Put 500ML tap water in clear container pop bottle is ideal.Add 1 heaped dessert spoon salt & half teaspoon of eggs (Can be scaled up for larger production if the ratios are the same) If your water is soft, add half teaspoon baking soda (not baking powder) to raise the ph of the water. Place in well lit & warm place. Keep light on throughout hatching. Aerate strongly using air-pump WITHOUT an air stone to keep the eggs in suspension, Small bubbles from an air stone attach to the newly hatched shrimp & kill them. After 24-48 hours (depending on temperature) strain through a fine sieve (kitchen paper is ideal) & dip into tank or use a baster to suck them up.