ATHENA BLENDED LINE Grow A+B, Bloom A+B, 2 Part Feed Nutrients 3.8Ltr Bottles

ATHENA BLENDED LINE Grow A+B, Bloom A+B, 2 Part Feed Nutrients 3.8Ltr Bottles
ATHENA BLENDED LINE Grow A+B, Bloom A+B, 2 Part Feed Nutrients 3.8Ltr Bottles

ATHENA BLENDED LINE Grow A+B, Bloom A+B, 2 Part Feed Nutrients 3.8Ltr Bottles

This 2-part blended liquid formula should be used in equal amounts during the growth phase to stimulate the rapid onset of bud production, increase flowering sites, and promote high-quality yields. Athena Blended A+B bottles are 3.8L each = 7.6 Litres.

ATHENA BLENDED LINE Grow A+B, Bloom A+B, 2 Part Feed Nutrients 3.8Ltr Bottles