Golden Replicas of United States Stamps Collection Album. GREAT GIFT OR START YOUR COLLECTION OR ADD ON TO IT. I'm not willing to break up the collection album pages individually.
Proof replicas on a gleaming surface of 22kt gold. Album K = 26 pages including 75 stamps with a proof replica in a gleaming 22 karat gold surface. You can collect monthly to complete the collection-contact the company directly if desired.
This collection is a perfect for all ages-excellent history per each stamp. Collected for many many years and spent thousands on this collection-the pages came in a monthly subscription. My father's name and address is on the individual envelopes and on the outer album. My price reflects that it is new and un-damaged, plus mint never hinged. Serious offers only please and thank you - low offers will decline.Please do your research on this brand for sizing and reviews due to this is a final sale. Read the specifics and descriptions. If you need additional information or measurements about this item please message me through the listing before purchasing. This is a FINAL SALE!! Please make sure that your address is updated and correct before purchasing.